Information about this website

This website has been designed and developed by:

Gevorg Setiani

You are viewing the mobile version of the website of DSC Web-Design. It has been developed for small devices and features like animation, music playback and screenshots of work samples are not present here.

If you want to view the presentation please visit my website on a device with large resolution like tablets or desktop monitors.

This website has been launched in May of 2016

Last update: February, 2024

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About me

I am an Armenian freelancer engaged in web development. For over 20 years I have been doing computer programming. Initially it was not related to web development but involved other programming languages. In later years I switched to web development and began to develop web projects. I have been doing this for more than 10 years now.

In the past I was also active in photo-realistic 3D visualizations, using various CAD platforms. It was a fruitful experience which can be helpful to develop design ideas for advanced projects.

I have lived in several countries which gave me the opportunity to experience different cultures and learn various languages. This makes it possible for me to develop web-projects in multiple languages.

Contact me to learn more about the possibilities.

Gevorg Setiani